Burningman 2003

I wish I could say that my pics were the best you can find but they will have to simply be my best efforts and personal experience at BM 2003

For those seeking more info on Burningman or links to other very spectacular photos I suggest you start at www.burningman.com


Couple at Pinky's
Art Vehicles taking a break at Pinky's
Barry, Bike and sarong
Santa of the Playa
Belly dancer at Pinky's
Bus Whimsey
Center Camp
Brad the colored man
Colorful neighbors
Critical Tits ride
More Critical Tits
Spectators for Critical Tits
Yet more
Critical Tits continued
Dust Devil
EV Trike
Camp Flag
The Gateway - Speres of Transformation
Gender Test
Green Man at Pinky's
Free shower
In Line Skates
The Nun Mummy
Dancer at the Oracle
Pireate Ship Art Vehicle
Temple of Honor
David Best - Creator of Temples
Temple at night
The storm approaches
Left sorrows
This Was
Temple inside
More on the Temple
"Shirley Jean - Our Mom"
Whimsical prayer to the godess
From all over the world they arrive....
White out hits hard....
Me in the white out..taken by Sean 8 feet away
Sean in the white out forgot his mask
Post white out back at the ranch -Me
Sean post white out
Camelback post white out
Playa Art
playa with the man gone
Granite slabs
Roller Coaster a go go
Roller coaster again.
Roller coaster loading passengers
Roller coaster car arriving after ride
Roller Coaster Dancer
What kind of drink is he dispensing and from WHERE?
Bag piper at Pinky's
See! Black Rock City!
Henny Penny Camp
Hot in that car!
Tape me I'm yours
Showering on the playa
Art Car
Art Car
Art Car
Art Car
Art Car - satelite dish hammock vehicle
Ride em cowboy!
Art Car
A Sean at rest stays at rest smoking a cigar.
Art Car - Viking ship
Sean talking with god on the god line
God Talking with Sean.
Sean playing God
Flame Organ vehicle
Art Car
Art Car - Submarine
Art Car
Art Car - angler fish
Mushroom vehicle
Art Car
Art Car - electric chair
Art Car
Art Car - Party bus
Getting ready for a night on the Playa - Me
Art Car
Art Car
Playa Bed Art Car
At the Temple of the Man in the Pedistal
Altar in the Temple of Man
More inscriptions
Idols in the wall of the Temple of the Man
Dancers performing in front of the Temple of the Man
Idols in the wall of the Temple of the Man
Idols in the wall of the Temple of the Man
Idols in the wall of the Temple of the Man
The Man at night
Idols in the wall of the Temple of the Man
Idols in the wall of the Temple of the Man
Idols in the wall of the Temple of the Man
Idols in the wall of the Temple of the Man
Idols in the wall of the Temple of the Man
Idols in the wall of the Temple of the Man
Idols in the wall of the Temple of the Man
Idols in the wall of the Temple of the Man
Altar inside the Temple of The Man.
Space Virgins- a Club
Sean at Thunderdome
Thunderdome combatant
Draka the Dragon train
Draka the Dragon train
Draka the Dragon train
Draka the Dragon train
Lobster Art Car
Alvo with a digereedoo
Flame statue
Standing under the Man on the pedistal top
Man at night...
Sean, Larri and Barry
Barry and Larri in the trailer
Barry and Sean with the gong
Arms up, the Man beckons us to the Burn
The first blast of fireworks
After the burn...the gong
Player of the gong
Burning Bike rider
Sean and Greg binging the gong through the ashes
People stepped aside to allow the gong to pass.
Greg, our assistant gong porter
the ashes of the burn...next day
That's all folks!